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Memo is a website designed for quick and efficient vocabulary memorization through the use of flashcard techniques. The distinctive features of Memo include a flashcard constructor and a dynamic study evaluation system.

The flashcard constructor enables users to effortlessly create English language vocabulary flashcards by sourcing definitions and multimedia files from the Internet. The dynamic study evaluation system guides the learning process by providing time-limited marks, where correct responses lead to an extended validity period, ranging from seconds to months and even years.

The project follows a 3-tier architecture, comprising the client tier, business tier, and database tier.

CLIENT Tier: Implemented using JavaScript with the React framework, HTML, and CSS (Tailwind), ensuring a responsive and visually appealing user interface.

BUSINESS Tier Developed in Java using the Spring Boot Framework, incorporating technologies such as Oauth2 Resource Server (JWT), Spring Boot Mail, Lombok, and Flyway for MySQL. This layer handles the core business logic, user authentication, and interaction with the database.

DATABASE Tier: Utilizes MySQL, leveraging functions, procedures, triggers, and views.

GitHub Frontend RepositoryGitHub Backend Repository